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DOYOUKNOWGOD.com Jesus, Christ Our Lord
God created the world in 7 days. He created man and gave him the ability to make choices.

Man has continually failed to abide to God's laws and this is called sin. Sin is when we do something wrong to someone else and we defy the will of God or defy the 10 commandments.

God is to be first in our lives, after him everything falls in place! Because man could never be perfect, God knew he had to send a Savior ("Messiah").

God's son Jesus is the Messiah that was give to the world as a baby. Jesus grew up and shared the will of his Father(God) to others, then died on the cross for man's sin.

Man's sin put Jesus on the cross, man could not see what the gift that God had given the world and they were scared of the man that was declared as the Messiah.

Jesus's death was just the start, God foretold in his word "The Bible" that Jesus would rise on the third day after his death fulfilling the prophecy of Messiah.

On the third day Jesus did rise! Jesus ascended to heaven to be with his Father. But before he left, God sent down the Holy Spirit to dwell among his people, to provide comfort and counsel.

Jesus told those before he ascended: "And I will ask the Father, and he will give another Counselor to be with you forever - the Spirit of Truth. The world can not accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." John 14:16, 17

By accepting Jesus you fall under his cover of forgiveness for the sins you have done, and only thru Jesus Christ we receive salvation and eternal life.

Now to many this is just a legend or a myth, but if you truly want to know if it is the truth, then ask God, don't rely on what MAN says - remember man lies and is of sin. Instead pray that God can show you the truth. God will revel the truth to you not by man, but by his grace!

ACCEPTING CHRIST - A simple prayer to God acknowledging that you are a sinner and seek his forgiveness. If you claim your belief in Jesus as the "Messiah" and thru Jesus you seek salvation, will surely give you life new meaning! Tell Jesus you believe and wish to accept him in your heart. Ask that he protect and keep you from harm and he open the doors to knowledge and understanding. Remember you are never alone. God is always with you!
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